Understand the wet weather response of your collection system in real-time. The Infinitii Machine Learning Engine automatically determines dry weather patterns, significant storms, and calculates Rainfall Derived Infiltration and Inflow (RDII). On-going access to I&I statistics and RDII correlations allows you to evaluate needs and predict performance. Visually identify I&I hot-spots and drill down into the underlying data.
Infiltration and inflow analysis (I&I) is one of the most valuable monitoring tools available for anyone managing a collection system. It lets you track RDII and its impact on the overall health of your system. Too much rainfall can overload your system, causing overflows or damage that can lead to untreated waste water being released into your local area, with potential negative impacts on residents, businesses, and ecosystems.
The one drawback is that as an analysis method, I&I is traditionally quite complex and time-intensive, requiring considerable time and effort from experts in order to collect the data, apply the analysis, and draw conclusions from the results.
FlowWorks' Infinitii I&I is designed to automate all of the difficult and time-consuming aspects of I&I analysis, putting comprehensive I&I analysis within reach for anyone managing a sewer system. It leverages FlowWorks' data collection and management tools to provide the raw data, and then automatically generates a full range of I&I analysis results. This includes automatic creation of Dry Weather Patterns, Storm Event Groups, and Correlation Graphs, all accessible through Infinitii I&I.
Infinitii I&I Requirements
In order to make use of Infiitii I&I, a Flowworks client needs to have sites and channels properly configured to track sewer flow and volume, and rainfall intensity and duration. They will also need to have Infinitii I&I added to their account; contact the Sales team to request it.
Accessing Infinitii I&I
Flowworks will provide a dedicated link that will allow a client to access Infinitii I&I for their project. Using the link will bring the client to the main Infinitii I&I page. The image below shows the different functional areas of the main page.
- Project: This field shows the name of the open Infinitii I&I Project. Which Project is opened is determined using the access link, in case you have more than one.
- Choose Storm Event: The list at the top left shows all the storm events that have had data recorded by FlowWorks that can be used by Infinitii I&I. Scroll through the list and click on a storm event to update the map.
- Map: The map shows the catchment areas for the project, and detail about the selected storm event, with color-coded gradations of the currently-selected metric. The specific limits of each color category can be determined according to client requirements based on the details of each catchment area. For more information, refer to the Map section below.
- Choose Metric: The list at the bottom left allows clients to choose between the available metrics for analyzing the data for a particular storm event. There are 5 metrics generally available. For more information on the metrics, refer to the Metrics section below.
- Site Details: A summary of the relevant details about each site is shown, including basic details about the site, all the calculated metrics (the currently-selected metric will be highlighted), and a link to a full Envelope analysis of each site in the Project. Refer to the Site Details section below for more information.
The Infinitii I&I map displays the site IDs and the geographical boundaries of their catchment areas, as well as information about the currently selected storm event and metric, and a color-coded legend.
You can zoom in and out on the map either by use of the + and - buttons in the upper left, or by using the mouse wheel. You can drag with the mouse to reposition the map in the window.
The upper text bar contains the following information:
- Metric: The currently-selected metric. Refer to Metrics below for more information.
- Storm Start: The date and time of the start of the currently-selected storm event.
- Storm End: The date and time of the end of the currently-selected storm event.
- Max Rainfall: The maximum rainfall recorded in any of the sites over the course of the currently-selected storm event.
The Legend is color-coded with four colors representing increasing severity of the results, from green (least concern) through yellow, orange, and red (dangerous). The specific values for the color categories can be determined by client requirements for each metric.
There are five metrics available when using Infinitii I&I to analyze the data from your sites. Each provides a different way of looking at the effects of RDII on your collection system. When a metric is selected, the map legend colors and values are update to give a visual overview of the results of the analysis using the selected metric. The specific values of the results of the metric calculations for each site are presented in the Site Details. All the metrics can be shown using either Imperial or metric units, depending on client requirements.
The available metrics are:
- RDII Volume by Catchment Area: This metric tracks the average RDII volume across entire catchment areas, which identifies areas that receive high volumes that can stress your collection system.
- RDII Volume by Pipe Length: This metric compares the average RDII volume to the total length of pipes in the collection system for a particular site. This relates the impact of rainfall more directly to a collection system's capacity to absorb it.
- RDII Flow by Pipe Area: This metric compares average RDII flow rate to the total pipe area of the collection system, which helps identify sites where the flow risks exceeding the capacity of the collection system pipes.
- Peak Flow by Area: This metric compares the peak flow, the highest flow rate for a particular storm event, with the catchment area of a site.
- CV Rain Captured: This metric calculates the coefficient of variation for rain captured during the selected storm event at that site.
Site Details
The Site Details have a list of all the sites available for the current project, along with a link to a full Auto I&I site analysis for each. The Site Details also show summary information about the collection system at each site, which is used (after unit conversions, in some cases) to calculate the metrics. A column for each of the available metrics shows the analysis results per site; the currently selected metric is highlighted, but all are shown. All the site details can be shown using either Imperial or metric units, depending on client requirements.
The Site Details shows the following information for each site:
- Site: Shows the site name and a link to open the Auto I&I Envelope analysis for the site, from which the Auto I&I Storm Event Charts can be accessed.
- Catchment Area: The total catchment area associated with a particular site, in square feet.
- Pipe Length: The total length of pipes in the collection system associated with the site.
- Pipe Area: The total cross section area of the pipes in the collection system associated with the site.
- Total Rainfall: The total rainfall over the course of the currently-selected storm event for the site.