Sept. 25, 2016 - Announcing the launch of our new Website and Login Page

We are proud to announce the unveiling of our newly designed website and login page! We value the opinion of our users - please take a look around and let us know what you think.

Throughout the process of redesigning the website, we took significant time to ponder about not only how we do business, but also why we do what we do and how our FlowWorks software is unique from anything else on the market.

Our goal is to provide visitors and clients alike, with clear and accurate information about our software, and what it can do for your enterprise. We hope you find the new site informative and easy to navigate through.

As you may notice, there are some subtle differences with how you login to your FlowWorks account. Now, when you click Login, you will be directed to the newly designed login page, where existing FlowWorks users can enter their normal login credentials to access their account.

We hope you find our newly designed website and login page to be clean and easy to use. Should you have any experience problems, please let us know by submitting a new Support ticket.

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