Manage Security Groups

Security Groups are used for structuring site, channel and custom resource permissions. Groups are organized with the use of folders, which contain any number and combination of Sites, Channels, custom resources, and permitted users.

When a new Client is added to FlowWorks, a 'Parent Group' is automatically created, in which all user accounts are placed - this provides a central starting point for managing permissions. By default, all users in the Parent Group can view all Sites, Channels, and resources in your system: typically, a group administrator will setup the most basic permissions in this group. Then, by adding Sub-groups, they can give more advanced users additional permissions to complete other functions. Administrators also have the option of making sub-groups within Sub-groups, for further segregation. There is virtually no limit to how many sub-groups you can have.    

Only Group Administrators can create new Security Groups and modify the settings of existing Groups.

We highly recommend that you understand the difference between User Roles and Security Groups, so you can better grasp common terminology used throughout this topic (and many more). Please review article "About User Roles and Security Groups" before you make any changes to Security Group settings.


Below is an example of a basic Security Group tree, which divides permissions firstly based on location:

WaterWorks is a Client of FlowWorks. They have a Parent Group that contains a list of all it's users. Two Sub-groups (Everett and Vancouver) were made to divide users based on location, and to provide location-specific permissions. Within each location are a few Sub-groups (Analysis, Engineering and GIS), which were made to provide users in specific departments additional permissions.


New Parent Security Groups cannot manually be made by any type of user. If you wish to make a new Parent Security Group, please contact us by submitting a new support ticket.

Creating a 1st Level Sub-group and adding users

The 1st level sub-group is the highest level that an Administrator can create. A 1st level sub-group branches from your ('your' being the client) parent security group. This section explains how you can create a 1st level sub-group and add users and permission to this new branch.

  1. Click Manage from the main toolbar.
  2. Click Users & Permissions.
  1. Click Security Groups.
  1. Locate the desired Parent Security Group from the left panel.
    This is the security group that you would like the new sub-group to branch from.
  1. Right-click the Parent Security Group and select Create New Sub Group.
    The page will refresh, revealing a blank Sub Group form.
  1. Enter a Name and Description for the new Sub-group.
  1. From the Available Users list, check-off the users you wish to include in this new sub group.
    Selected user names will actively populate the Selected Users list. You can use the Search function to highlight specific users for selection.

    Clicking the All button will add all available users to the new sub group. This is not recommended if there are a large number of available users.

  1. From the Available Sites / Channels list, select the sites and channels you want to permit users in this group to see. The sites and channels you select will actively populate the Selected Sites / Channels list. You can use the Search function to highlight specific sites and channels for selection. 
    Note: Clicking the All button will add all available sites and channels to the new sub group. This is not recommended if there are a large number of available sites and channels.
  1. From the Available Resources list, check-off the resources you want to permit users in this group to see/use. All selected entries will actively populate the Selected Resources list. You can use the Search function to highlight specific resources for selection.
    This step only applies if you (the Client) have custom resources, apps, screens and/or GIS maps.
  1. Click Save Changes.
    The left panel, which contains a list of all security group in your enterprise, will refresh such that your new 1st level sub-group is a branch under its respective parent
Creating a 2nd Level Sub-group and adding users

Second, third, fourth (etc.) level sub-groups can be made to create even further granular control over your network. Simply right-click the sub-group in which you want the sub-group to reside. Then, select Create New Sub Group. To set up the sub-group and add users, follow steps 7-11 in the previous section of this article.

Editing a Security Group

These steps apply to any tier of security group, including the parent group. Revised group settings will immediately apply to all user accounts included in the group.

  1. Click Manage from the main toolbar.
  2. Click Users & Permissions.
  1. Click Security Groups.
  1. Locate the security group from the left panel. You may need to expand a few branches to find your desired security group.
  1. Make edits to the security group. You can change the name, description, as well as the users, sites/channels and resources that are permitted in this group.
    For more details on settings options, see the previous section of this article.
  1. Click Save Changes.
    The left panel, which contains a list of all security groups in your enterprise, will refresh.

The name of parent security groups cannot be changed; however the name of any sub-group can be modified.

Deleting a Security Group

Parent security groups cannot be deleted.

  1. Click Manage from the main toolbar.
  2. Click Users & Permissions.
  1. Click Security Groups.
  1. Locate the security group from the left panel. You may need to expand a few branches to find your desired security group.
    Details pertaining to the selected security group will appear on the right-side of the page.
  1. Click Delete Group.
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