Printing a Graph

Printing a graph can be done straight from the Graphing page.

Note: Instructions within this topic may vary depending on the web-browser being used.

In this Topic:

Printing a Graph

Tip: You should modify your web-browser’s print-layout settings to ‘portrait’, as most graphs tend to extend horizontally. Please refer to your web-browser’s Support for further information on print configurations.

To print a graph:

  1. With your graph open, click the Print option in the graph menu. Your web-browser will open a new window, containing a print preview.

    Alternatively, right-click on the graph you want to print, and select Print Graph from the menu that opens.
  1. With Print Preview open, a dialogue box will appear momentarily, reminding you to change your print settings to landscape mode. Press OK. The Print modal window will now open.

    Note: In some cases, a subsequent dialogue box will appear asking whether you wish to prevent this page from creating additional dialogues. Click Cancel.

  1. With the Print dialogue box now open, ensure page setup is set to Landscape. Most web-browsers will have a Properties menu, from which you can confirm the setting.
  1. Click OK (or Print). Your graph will now print.

Printing a Statistics Table With a Graph

You can include a graph’s corresponding Data Viewer table in the print output.

Tip: You should modify your web-browser’s print-layout settings to ‘portrait’, as most graphs tend to extend horizontally.

  1. With your graph open, click Options from the Graphing Toolbar. A drop-down menu will appear.
  1. Click Printing Options. The Print Options dialogue box will open.
  1. Click the check-box to show a statistics table below the graph.
  2. Click OK. This setting will apply to your opened graph. You can disable this feature at anytime by going back to the same dialogue box and un-checking the setting.
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