Supported Data Formats for CSV files

A CSV is a comma separated values file that stores tabular data in plain text. Although the idea of separating values with a comma is characteristic of CSV, the format (or order) is not standardized.

Whether you are submitting data to FlowWorks Support, or manually uploading data with the Data Upload tool, it is important that the data contained in your CSV file is organized in a way that is readily interpreted by our system. FlowWorks currently supports four CSV file formats, as described in this article. To get you started, we've included a downloadable sample file for each acceptable format. Please ensure your CSV file follows one of these formats prior to uploading.

FW (FlowWorks) Standard Format

The FW Standard Format has a 3-line header section for defining the client, site name and date and channels (including units).

Click here to download the sample CSV file: FW_format_sample.csv

The image below shows a portion of a CSV file organized in the FW Standard Format, as seen in Microsoft Excel (sans gridlines).


  • Row 1, Column A - Client # (or Client Name): A client is an organization subscribed to FlowWorks' software services. They are typically billed for every active site. Please include the Client #. If you are unsure of what that number is, please contact your client administrator.
  • Row 2, Column A - Internal Site Name: This is a case-sensitive name that is used for site identification. It is often tied to the source logger. This name must match the given internal site name in FlowWorks so the system can identify incoming data and organize it accordingly.
  • Row 3, Column A - Date/Time: Dates must follow the format yyyy/MM/dd. Time must be separated from date with a single 'space'. It must follow the format HH:mm:ss. Both can reside only in column A.
  • Row 3, Column B and onwards - Channels (including units): Include channel units in brackets.
  • Row 4 and onwards, Column B and onward - Data Entries: Data must be ordered sequentially by date and time, from oldest to newest.

Data must be ordered sequentially by date, from oldest to newest.

KWL Format

The KWL Format has a 6-line header section for defining the database from which the data is sourced, the site name, relevant measurements, notes, and date and time.

Click here to download the sample CSV file: KWL_format_sample.csv

The image below shows a portion of a CSV file organized in the KWL Format, as seen in Microsoft Excel (sans gridlines).


  • Row 1, Column A - Databases: This is the KWL database from which the data is sourced.
  • Row 2, Column A - Sites: This is a case-sensitive name that is used for site identification. It is often tied to the source logger. This name must match the given internal site name in FlowWorks so the system can identify incoming data and organize it accordingly.
  • Row 3, Column A - Measurements: list the measurements (also known as channels) that you will include in the list of channels.
  • Row 4, Column A - Notes: (Optional) Include any important notes. They will be appended to the Site and can be reviewed at your discretion in Site Config.
  • Row 5 - Blank: Leave this row empty. It is intended to separate general information from the list of data points.
  • Row 6, Column A - Date/Time: Dates must follow the format yyyy/MM/dd. Time must be separated from date with a single 'space'. It must follow the format HH:mm:ss. Both can reside only in column A.
  • Row 6, Column B and onwards - Channels (including units): Include channel units in brackets.
  • Row 7 and onwards, Column B and onward - Data Entries: Data must be ordered sequentially by date and time, from oldest to newest.

Data must be ordered sequentially by date, from oldest to newest.

ETS Format

The ETS Format can include multiple channels per file, however they must be vertically organized. Thus, for each channel you include, the header must occupy two rows - one for defining the channel and site name, and the other for indicating the number of data points for the respective channel.

Click here to download the sample CSV file: ETS_format_sample.csv

The image below shows an example of a CSV file in the ETS Format, containing two channels (flow and level).


Channels in this Format must be vertically organized. For each channel you wish to include, follow the following formatting guidelines.
  • First Row, Column A - Channel Name: These channels must be configured prior to uploading data. Do not include channel units in the data file.
  • First Row, Column B - Site Name: This is a case-sensitive name that is used for site identification. It is often tied to the source logger. This name must match the given internal site name in FlowWorks so the system can identify incoming data and organize it accordingly.
  • Row following Channel Name, Column A - Data Point Count: Indicate the number of data points for the given channel.
  • Row following Data Point Count - Data Entries: Data must be ordered sequentially by date and time, from oldest to newest
  • Blank row following channel data: Separate channels with a blank row (see row 7 in the sample image).

Data must be ordered sequentially by date, from oldest to newest.

ADS Profile/Triton Format

The ADS Format has a three-row header for defining the site name, date/time header and channels, and date/time and channel units. This file may contain Average, QualityFlag and QualityValue - these are settings that ADS uses and are not required by FlowWorks. This information will be omitted during upload, but it is not necessary that you remove them.

Click here to download the sample CSV file: ADS_format_sample.csv

The image below shows an example of a CSV file in the ADS Format, containing four channels (UNIDEPTH, FLOW1, TOTFLOW1, and UpDEPTH).

  • Row 1, Column A - Site Name: This is a case-sensitive name that is used for site identification. It is often tied to the source logger. This name must match the given internal site name in FlowWorks so the system can identify incoming data and organize it accordingly.
  • Row 1, Columns B, C, D: These are settings that ADS uses as part of their file format. This information is not required by FlowWorks and will be omitted during data upload.
  • Row 2, Column A - Date/Time header: Ensure this header is included and reads "DateTime".
  • Row 2, Column B and onwards - Channel Names: Do not include units with channel names.
  • Row 3, Column A - Date/Time format: Ensure this header is included and reads "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt". This is the format in which date and time must be expressed.
  • Row 3, Column B and onwards - Channel Units: Enter units of measure for the channel stated in the row above.
  • Row 4 and onwards, Column A - Date and Time for given data point(s): Enter the date and time for the respective data point.
  • Row 4 and onwards, Column B and onwards - Data Entries: Data must be ordered sequentially by date and time, from oldest to newest

Data must be ordered sequentially by date, from oldest to newest.

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