The Project Dashboard can be divided into two sides: a left and right side.

Left Side
The left side of the project dashboard has two lists: the first list contains all the flow sites in the project, while the second contains the project's rainfall sites.
The Flow Sites list shows the number of dry weather patterns and correlations that use a particular flow site. Similarly, the Rainfall Sites list shows how many storm event groups use a particular rainfall site. For every rainfall site, you can choose a default Rainfall Channel to use throughout the project. Clicking any list entry will modify what is listed on the right side of the page, to only show those project components that use the site that you've selected.
Right Side
The right side of this page contains lists for saved dry weather patterns (DWPs), storm event groups (SEGs), and correlations. If you are just starting a new project, these lists will be empty.
You can click Open for any item to review and modify settings; or click a check-box and and select Remove Checked to delete it.