Modify / Edit a Group of Data Points

Users will typically identify a group of data points for editing/deletion from a graph or report. Once you know the specific date range for the points you wish to modify, you can proceed to using the Data Editing tool to synthesize your data.

Using the Edit Data tool, you can choose to edit a raw or calculated channel. When working with a raw channel, all edits / deletions will be saved in a new calculated channel. This ensures that the raw channel is left untouched.

1. Open The Edit Data tool

  1. From FlowWorks' main toolbar, click Manage.
    A drop-down menu appears.
  2. Click Edit Data.

2. Input a date and time range

Specify the site, channel, and date and time range pertaining to the data points you wish to modify.
In this example, we will view data logged within a 30-minute range starting at 15:00h on August 16, 2016.


3. Ensure Select Edit All Data In Period is selected

This option provides functionality for filling/replacing, scaling/offsetting, and linearly ramping your data up or down.


4. Input your edits

The following describe how you can use the available options.

Fill/Replace Data

Use this option to fill-in data gaps, or replace undesired data values. You can also use this option to delete data within a given date range. Your edits will always be saved into a calculated channel upon clicking to Apply Edits.

  • From Source Channel: Replaces data in the channel with data from the source channel for the date/time range indicated.
  • Empty/Delete Data: Deletes data from the channel for the date/time range indicated.
  • Constant Value: Takes all the values in your specified date/time range, and replaces them with a constant data value.
  • Linear Change From: Linearly interpolate the data within the given date/time range. For example, in the case of temperature you may want the interpolated value to start at 60 degrees (from) and at the end of your date range, have the value end at 70 degrees (at). You can then specify how often a data point should be created (minute intervals) - this defines the granularity of the line.
  • Linear Change (Match Neighboring Points) From: Similar to Linear Change From, however you do not need to set start and end values. Rather, endpoints are automatically determined from a reference channel.


Scale/Offset Data

This option will take all the values in the given date range, and scale or offset them by a constant.


Linear Ramp Data

Similar to linear interpolation, except this option gradually scales the data to create a more naturally-occurring curved effect. The amount that data is offset by increases across the specified period. Users typically will choose this option for undulating data to synthetically create a curve.

You can optionally choose a source channel for offsetting the data. This is useful in cases where you want to fill data gaps with data from the chosen source channel, then apply an offset.
For example, you could have a sewer pipe with two manholes 100m apart. Loggers in both manholes relay level data to FlowWorks, however upon inspecting the data you notice that a data gap exists in the manhole2 level data. If you know that manhole 1 level is usually 20cm lower than manhole2, you can select manhole1 from the use From Source Channel menu to copy the data into the manhole2 channel for the given date range; the apply an offset of minus 20. In the end, you will have data that looks similar to how the data would have looked if it was successfully recorded.


5. (Optional) Add a note

You may want to append a note with your data changes to mark where changes took place. Also, for future reference, notes are helpful for you to know the reason for such modifications to the data.
Notes reside in their own "notes" data channel, which can be plotted in parallel to the modified data channel.

  1. Expand the Add Note panel.
  2. Specify a name of the notes channel.
  3. Choose a Date option. You can have the note appear at the start of edited data (in this case, starting at 15:00h), or you can add the note at a specific date and time.
    If you choose Add At Specific Date, input the date and time for which you want the note to be displayed. For this example, we will have the note appear at 15:10h.
  4. Type the note in the Note box.

6. Click Apply Edits


This will open a text-box for you name the calculated channel in which your edited data will reside.


7. Specify a name for the calculated channel

FlowWorks restricts permanent modifications to raw data so that an unadulterated backup of data is always available. Thus, a copy of the raw channel, with your edits applied, will be stored in the calculated channel.

  1. Type a name for the calculated channel.
  2. Click OK.

Now, your edits will be saved in the calculated channel. You can now use the calculated channel that contains your edits in lieu of the raw channel in any of FlowWorks' tools.

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