Copy a FACE Formula or Function to Multiple Sites

If you already have a calculated channel created, you may want to apply the same FACE formula or function to multiple sites. You can do this in FACE's 'Edit Calculation' page, so long as the sites to which you wish to copy the formula/function has a) a calculated channel with the same name; and b) all of the required source channels.

To find out how you can create a new calculated channel, see "Create a Calculated Channel". To copy a source channel to another site, please contact FlowWorks Support.

1. Open FACE

  1. Click Manage, from the main toolbar.
  2. Select Configure Sites (FACE).
    The Configure Sites page loads.

2. Open the Calculated Channel that has the Formula/Function You Wish to Copy.

  1. From the Choose Site drop-down menu, select the site that contains the calculated channel.
  2. From the Choose Calculated Channel drop-down menu, select the calculated channel that has the formula/function you wish to copy.
  1. Click View Calculated Channel.
    The View Calculated Channel Page loads, where an overview of the calculations configured for your selected calculated channel is shown.

3. Open the Edit Calculation Page

Click the Edit button that pertains to the calculation you wish to copy.


4. Select the Sites to Which You Want to Copy the Calculation

  1. Expand the Add This Calculation To Other Sites drop-down.
    This drop-down is found near the bottom of the page. Expanding it reveals a list that contains all the sites that have a) a calculated channel with the same name; and b) all of the required source component channels.
  2. Use the check-boxes to select the sites you to which you want to copy the calculation.

5. Click Save

Upon saving, the calculation and it's settings, including the date range, will copy to the selected channels.

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