Apply GIS Map Overlays

FlowWorks can convert your GIS data (such as pipes, manholes, and facilities) into digital overlays, which you can superimpose on the map in your FlowWorks account. This enables you to spatially visualize GIS information - a fundamental operation for analysis of the distribution, organization and direction of your network(s).

FlowWorks creates custom GIS maps for clients on a per-request basis. Like all custom features, a development fee is applicable for the making of GIS overlays. During development, we work closely with our clients to understand the locations they'd like to include and to ensure they meet our requirements for proper development. If you are interested in having GIS overlays set up, please contact us.

If you already have a GIS map set up, follow these directions to apply it to your map.

  1. From the Network Map page, click GIS Maps, found along the top-left corner of the map.
  1. Select a GIS map service from the drop-down list.
  1. Select the GIS layers you want to view. The map will automatically update to include your chosen layers.

You may need to zoom-in significantly on your map to have the GIS layers visible on the map.


The image below is an example of a GIS overlay. The map below has four GIS overlays enabled (see legend). The arrows indicate hydrologic flow.


GIS Map Service Feature Update:

As of May 30th, 2024, we have added the ability to ALWAYS LOAD THIS MAP SERVICE as per your GIS MAPS. Click the ALWAYS LOAD THIS MAP SERVICE in the GIS MAPS tab to apply this fix to your FlowWorks profile. This will ensure the map service you set loads accordingly.


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