About the Pump Station Calculator

For those clients that have treatment plants and pump stations, it can be of high importance to know the volume of water that has passed through any given pump. One way they can do this is by installing sensors upstream and downstream of a pump, and measuring the passing fluid. However, the instrumentation needed to obtain such measurements can be rather expensive to acquire and implement.

Instead, clients can use FlowWorks' Pump Station Calculator to determine the volumetric flow of a fluid passing through a pump. This is achieved by using the principle that there are at least two pumps in a single system, and when one is "on" then the other is "off." So long as you know 1) the amount of time a pump was "on", and 2) the basic parameters of your system; you can use the Pump Station Calculator to determine the volumetric flow of fluid that has moved across a pump.

The Pump Station Calculator is a feature that sits on top of FlowWorks' Advanced Calculation Engine (F.A.C.E.). It runs using a pre-programmed, templated formula that simplifies the process for determining volumetric flow through a pump; thus eliminating the need for users to manually configure several nested calculations.

The Pump Station Calculator requires just three inputs at minimum (2 pump channels and a constant value) to run. The main output is an auto-generated calculated channel, which shows the volume of fluid a pump produced. Additionally, you have the option of creating interim calculated channels - such as estimated pumping rate, and pump down cycles. The raw data used for determining the results is always left untouched and unmodified.

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