About the Event Finder

FlowWorks' Event Finder is used to simplify and expedite the process of identifying significant 'events' of activity in your data. All you need to do is define a set of search conditions, and the Event Finder will output a list of events and useful information about each - such as duration in minutes, volume of overflow, amount of rainfall, etc. What make this tool unique is it's capability of identifying events that cross the midnight day-to-day boundary.

Typically, this tool is used for Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) reporting (duration and volume of overflow); rainfall reporting (duration and significance of a rainfall event); and compliance reporting (duration of exceeded levels for a measured parameter). For your convenience, all results can be exported as a CSV file.

Tasks Associated with the Event Finder

Following are the main tasks involved with using the Event Finder.

  • Build a New Query
    Each query can be configured to search across several Sites and Channels at once, with the use of multiple search conditions (if you wish). You can also choose to search across all data, or specify a date range. All new queries can be saved for future use. Advanced options allow for more granular control in your search. See Creating a New Event Finder Query.
  • Load a Query
    All saved queries can be re-run with just a few clicks. See Running a Saved Event Finder Query.
  • Edit a Query
    All saved queries can be edited and re-saved. See Managing Event Finder Queries.
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