Reviewing Alarm History

The Alarm History page displays an ongoing record of every triggered alarm event that has occurred to date. Users can quickly reference this list to look back and see just how often undesired or abnormal conditions occur at their Sites. This knowledge can help users move into an analysis process of looking at other environmental factors, to see whether these conditions are predictable and preventable.

To view a historical account of your alarms:

  1. Log-in to your FlowWorks account. Map View is the first page to load in FlowWorks.
  2. Click Monitor in the main toolbar . A drop-down menu appears.
  3. Select Alarm Status. You are redirected to the Alarm Status page.
  4. Click View Alarm & Notification History at the bottom of the page. This expands the 'Notification and Alarm History List'.

    This list shows the Sites in your network for which there are alarms and notifications configured; including alarms and notifications that used to exist but have since been deleted or removed. If the alarm has been triggered at least once, you will see the date and time of the last occurrence under the Last Occurred column.

    Entries in this list cannot be deleted or modified.


  5. Click an alarm to reveal it's details.

    From here you can view a log of all the times the alarm occurred.


  6. Hover your mouse over an entry to view when FlowWorks detected the alarm; and when FlowWorks logged the alarm as 'complete'.


    Many Sites report their data to FlowWorks on set schedules. such as at Midnight every day or twice a day at Noon and Midnight. Also, users have the option of setting a delay period before an alarm or notification is triggered to 'active'. The timing of a logger's call-in schedule; and an alarm's 'dwell' period; will affect how quickly an alarm is triggered, and how soon you will be notified of an active alarm. Hence (referring to the image above), we see that although the most recent occurrence started at 9:45am, FlowWorks did not detect it until 9:55am the next day. Also, we see that the alarm ended at 9:45am on the 31st, however this was not detected by the system until 10:02am.

    To learn more about how call-in schedules and dwell periods affect when an alarm is triggered, and when related actions are deployed, please see topic, "About Alarm Timing and Activation".

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