Acknowledge an Alarm or Notification

While configuring a new notification or alarm, users are asked to select the Actions FlowWorks is to execute once the alarm / notification is triggered. These actions are meant to let the appropriate people know of an active alarm condition, so they may act in a timely manner to prevent an undesired situation. Recipients can be notified of an active alarm / notification via the FlowWorks application, e-mail, text message, and / or voice message.


In the Advanced Settings section of alarm setup, users can enable the Require Acknowledgment option, in order to ensure the appropriate parties confirm their awareness of the active alarm. With this option activated, the selected actions will be periodically redeployed (based on the repeat interval), even after the alarm condition has ended. It is only after a user has manually acknowledged the alarm in FlowWorks, that repetitive re-deployment of the actions will stop.

There is also an Acknowledge Repeat Interval option available. This is the length of time before the action will be redeployed once an alarm has been 'acknowledged', so long as the alarm condition is still valid. A value of zero means that once an alarm is acknowledged, no further actions will be taken.


To 'acknowledge' an active alarm or notification:

1. Open the Alarm Status page

  1. Click Monitor in the main toolbar.
  2. Click Alarm Status.

2. Select the alarm you want to acknowledge

 This expands the list entry and reveals details pertaining to the alarm. acknowledge-alarm-3.png

3. Click Acknowledge

At the bottom of detailed view, we see a button that allows us to Acknowledge the alarm.
Clicking this button refreshes the page.

Upon re-expanding this list entry, we see who has acknowledged the alarm and at what time.


If an Acknowledge Repeat Interval was set for this alarm, the actions will be redeployed periodically, based on the time specified, so long as the alarm's conditions evaluate as true.

Note: The alarm screen and site icon may remain triggered (RED alert) even after the alarm is acknowledged. This will clear only when new data arrives at that site/channel causing the alarm to end (condition is false). The call schedule set at the device will determine if the triggered alarm screen/site icon clear thereafter. 

To check the repeat interval:

  1. With the list item still expanded in the Alarm Status page, click Configure this Alarm. You are directed to the Alarm Configuration page, where a list of all your configured notifications and alarms is shown. The alarm in question is automatically expanded to show a summary of it's settings.
    We can quickly see that this alarm indeed requires acknowledgment; we also see that the Acknowledged Repeat Interval is set to 720 minutes. This means that post-acknowledgement, the alarm's actions will re-deploy every 720 minutes, instead of every 360 minutes as indicated by the repeat interval (which only applies prior to acknowledgment).

To change the Acknowledge Repeat Interval:

  1. With the list item still expanded in the Alarm Configuration page, click Edit/Delete. The Edit Alarm/Notification page loads. Your chosen alarm's settings are displayed.
  2. Click Show Advanced Settings.
  3. Change the Acknowledge Repeat Interval. The time value is expressed in minutes.
    A value of zero means that once an alarm is acknowledged, no further action will be taken.


  1. Click Save Changes. You are redirected to the Alarm Configuration page.
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